YWAM Nuremberg, Germany

Hi, my name is Alex Bazant! Help support my mission trip to Germany this Spring! This is a great way to give to God’s kingdom and help support the next generation of missionaries.

About My Trip

Youth with a Mission is an organization that disciples young men and women, then sends them out into Great Commission work. In the Nurenberg region of Germany, less than 3% of the population are claim a personal relationship with Christ. The majority are either non-practicing Catholics or do not identify as Christians at all. Given that my family is from this region, and I was able to see how this culture is in desperate need of hope growing up, this situation deeply concerns me. And I am committed and highly passionate about making a difference.

I have been given the opportunity to join Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Nuremberg, where I can use my fluency in German culture and language to effectively share the gospel. However, to make this mission a reality, I need to raise $7,000.

This mission isn’t about me; it’s about fulfilling the Great Commission together. By contributing, you are directly helping to spread the gospel worldwide and making a significant, eternal impact on The Kingdom. Your support is crucial and urgently needed to bring the message of hope and salvation to the lives of those desperate for the Hope of Jesus.

My request is simple. Any contribution will help but obviously a significant cash donation will help and bring the message of hope and salvation to those who need it most. I am equally in need of monthly partners who will continue to support me during the entirety of my time. 

According to YWAM Nuremberg’s website, here’s what the trip is about: “The journey starts with a 6-month Discipleship Training School. Grow deeper in your relationship with God, make new friends from across the world, and explore your passions and purpose. After your 6-month Discipleship Training School, keep developing your ministry and leadership skills as you lead outreaches, work with programs, and serve as part of the YWAM mission community. Whether your journey takes you to the bush in Africa, the megacities of Asia, or to university in Europe…live out your calling and build God’s Kingdom in the way you were created to!”

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference. Together, we can bring the light of the gospel to Nuremberg, and across the globe.


Starting March 17th, I’ll be regularly posting about my trip to keep all the friends and family who donated updated on my trip. You’ll get to see how your financial support makes a lasting impact on people’s lives and see how God uses your generosity to make a world-changing impact in our communities.